Spiritual Meanings in Zechariah, chapter 9

Full text of Zechariah 9

1, 2: The new church will be in knowledges [cognitiones] from the Word. [11]
3, 4: Those who are in knowledges from the Word will destroy them. [3]
5, 6: Likewise those who are in faith alone. [3]
7, 8: They shall perish lest they ruin the church still further. [3]
9: The Lord will come with Divine truth. [1]
10, 11: After the old church has perished, a new one will be instituted subject to the Lord, who will reign over it. [3, 1]
12-16: The Lord will fill them with truths, and will protect them. [11]
17: They will possess intelligence. [11]

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