Spiritual Meanings in Psalm, chapter 89

Full text of Psalm 89

title, 1, 2: All Divine truth is from the Lord. [13, 10, 16]
3-5: The Divine truth is from Him because there is oneness with the Divine Human. [10, 16]
6-9, 13: Thus the Lord has all power. [10, 16]
10-14: All of heaven and the church is from Him. [10, 16, 12]
15-18: Happy is he who trusts in the Lord. [12, 16]
19-25: The Father to the Lord, or His Divine to His Human that by oneness with Him He has omnipotence over the hells. [10, 16]
26-29, 35-37: N. B. There will be eternal oneness with Him. [10, 16]
30-37: Even if those of the church should fail there will be eternal oneness with Him. [10]
38-42: Of the Jewish nation: It has destroyed conjunction with Him, because it has destroyed the church. [4]
43-45: It has utterly repudiated Him. [4]
46-48: Prayer to the Father, that, unless He assist, no one will have eternal life. [13]
49: Unless oneness be effected, [10]
49-51: the hells will otherwise prevail. [10, 8]
52: He assists. [10, 8]

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