Spiritual Meanings in Psalm, chapter 78

Full text of Psalm 78

title, 1-7: The Word was given to the children of Jacob, and they were confirmed in it by means of miracles; [2]
8-10: but their fathers and the children had gone back, and had not lived according to it, [2]
11-31: the miracles in the desert even having no effect, all of which involved how the Lord teaches and leads those whom He calls to His church. All these things recited. [2]
32-37: On account of the miracles they returned, indeed, but only with the mouth, not with the heart. [2]
38-40: The Lord forgave them. [2]
41-51: Again they were seemingly converted when they recalled the miracles in Egypt, all of which involve the removal and dispersion from them of the hells. A recital of these things. [2]
52-55: The Lord thus led them unto the land which was the seat of the church. [2]
56-58: Yet they backslid and worshipped another god. [2]
59-64: Therefore they were forsaken by the Lord, and delivered over to their falsities and evils; this of themselves. [2, 3]
65-67: Thus they were rejected. [3]
68-72: Therefore a new church was instituted, which would worship the Lord, and which the Lord could lead. [11]

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