Spiritual Meanings in Psalm, chapter 45

Full text of Psalm 45
Theme: The glorification of the Human of the Lord, and heaven and the church from Him. [16]

title, 1: A magnificent word respecting the Lord, and respecting conjunction with Him. [16]
2: The Divine truth is His alone. [16]
3-5: He has powerfully conquered the hells by means of Divine truth. [8]
6: The kingdom is His to eternity. [10]
7, 8: N. B. He has thereby made the Human Divine; [10]
8: thus heaven and the church are His, and they are in Divine truths from Him; [10, 12]
9: thus also there are affections for truth, and in these are the societies of heaven. [12]
10: Of the church where the Word is: it should depart from the affections of the natural man; [11]
11: thus will it be the church of the Lord, [11]
12-14: and thus it will have cognitions of truth and good, with subservient knowledges (scientiae); [11]
15: so there will be conjunction with the Lord in heaven. [11, 16]
16: It will possess primary truths. [11, 16]
17: The whole church will serve the Lord. [11, 16]

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