Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 33

Full text of Jeremiah 33

1-5: A new church. It will be established when the former church has been destroyed. [11]
6-9: After its destruction those are to be brought near who are to be led out of falsities, [11]
10, 11: who will worship the Lord from an affection for truth and good, [11]
12, 13: and who will be in truths of every kind after the former church has ceased to be. [11]
14-16: This will take place when the Lord comes, who will institute it. [1, 11]
17, 18: Then truth and good will not be wanting. [11]
19-21: The spiritual and that natural will be in agreement. [11]
22: Then there will be truths in all abundance. [11]
23-26: Unless spiritual and natural truth and good become concordant, there can be no church. [11]

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