Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 23

Full text of Jeremiah 23

1, 2: Against those who have perverted the good of the Word, and by means of it have destroyed the church, who are meant by the "shepherds." [3]
3, 4: They will perish, and the Lord will establish a church from others, who will teach and learn its good. [11]
5, 6: The Lord will do this, and then those who are of His church will be saved. [11]
7, 8: Then they will acknowledge that the Lord is Jehovah, and that the church is His. [16, 11]
9: Against those who pervert the truths of the Word, who are meant by the "prophets." [3]
10: From their perversions the church is full of falsities and is perverted, [3]
11: and there is no longer truth or good, excepting such as is external. [3]
12: Because they do not see truths, they perish on the day of judgment. [15, 3]
13: Truths are perverted by false principles, which are of religion. [3]
14: But the Word is perverted, this is the worst. [3]
15: They will possess nothing but falsity, [3]
16, 17: which they also confirm from the Word, [3]
18: saying that it is Divine. [3]
19, 20: They will perish on the day of judgment. [15]
21, 22: They learn from themselves, and not from the Lord; if they learned from the Lord, they would depart from evils; [3]
23, 24: thus the Lord would be with them. [3]
25, 26: They pervert by means of false interpretation. [3]
27: Hence they have no understanding of truth, [3]
28, 29: because they have none from the Lord, who also is the Word, in which truth from Him makes itself manifest. [3]
30, 31: Those who call themselves enlightened pervert truth still more, [3]
32: whereas they are not enlightened. [3]
33: The Divine truth shows that they have gone back. [3]
34: He who says otherwise will suffer. [3]
35, 36: Moreover they will not know what Divine truth is; [3]
37-40: and because they call that which is false, Divine truth, the truth of the church will be removed from them; hence their destruction. [3]

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