Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 18

Full text of Jeremiah 18

1-4: It is represented that those who are in falsities and evils can be reformed by the Lord. [11]
5-8: Therefore those who are converted after repentance, are accepted by the Lord, although they are in falsities and evils. [11]
9, 10: On the other hand, those who are in truths and in good, and do evil, perish. [3]
11, 12, 13: Those who are in the church are told to repent and be converted; but they will not, [3]
14-16: because they love falsities of every kind, and thereby annihilate the church with themselves. [3]
17: Therefore they will be destroyed. [3]
18: They exalt themselves against the Lord and consequently against His Word, despising Him, and falsifying it. [3]
19, 20: Lamentation over this. [3]
21, 22: They have no truth of the church, and they act craftily. [3]
23: They cannot be forgiven. [3]

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