Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 13

Full text of Jeremiah 13

1-7: That the truth of the church would gradually perish by means of reasonings from the natural man, was represented by the "girdle of linen." [2]
8-11: The like has come to pass with the church where the Word is, where they have backslidden from the Lord, and consequently from truths; [2]
12, 13: and afterwards there were falsities for truths, [2]
14: and consequent destruction. [2]
15, 16: Let them beware lest mere falsity take the place of truth. [2]
17: Grief on this account. [2]
18, 19: It may be seen that all truth of the Word perishes. [2]
20: Falsities take the place of truth. [3]
21: Hence destruction is at hand. [3]
22: The cause of this is, that they are interiorly evil and hence become also outwardly evil. [15, 3]
23: It cannot be otherwise; [15, 3]
24, 25: therefore destruction visits them, because they have forsaken the Lord, and hence they have falsities; [15, 3]
26, 27: and in consequence their interiors, which are evil, will be laid open. [3]

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