Spiritual Meanings in Jeremiah, chapter 1

Full text of Jeremiah 1

1-3: The perverted state of the church. [2]
4-8: Of the Lord, who is here meant by "Jeremiah"; He will be born, in order that He may teach all men Divine truth. [11]
9, 10: From His Divine He will teach the truths and goods of the church, and will destroy falsities and evils. [11, 2]
11, 12: Truths of every good have been given them through the Word; [2]
13: but they have perverted them; [2]
14, 15: which is the source of all kinds of falsities that are contrary to the truths of the church, [2]
16: and from this arises a contrary worship. [2]
17-19: The Lord will admit them to fight against Him, and they will succumb, because the Divine is the Lord's. [5, 7, 8]

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