Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 65

Full text of Isaiah 65

1-5: The Lord had been present with those who are against Him, who are in dire loves of falsity and evil, and who reject Him. [4]
6, 7: They will perish in consequence of their contrary worship; [3]
8-10: still, not all things of the church will perish, because there must be a church; [11]
11, 12: but those who have perverted the Word will perish because of falsities. [3]
13, 14: They will become wretched; others, happy. [3, 11]
15, 16: They will be conjoined with the Lord. [11]
17, 18: The Lord will establish a new church, [11]
19-21: in which will be all goods and truths, thus all things of heaven; [11]
22, 23: and that church will not perish. [11, 17]
24: The Lord will teach. [11, 17]
25: Falsities and evils will no longer destroy. [11, 17]

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