Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 58

Full text of Isaiah 58

1: The iniquity of the old church, which is to be disclosed. [2]
2: They are as those who love truth, [2]
3: and as those who are converted; [11]
4: but their conversion originates in evil. [11]
5, 6: Conversion does not consist in speaking in a devout manner, but in shunning evils, [11]
7: and in exercising charity; [11]
8-11: then they will have truths in abundance, and the Lord will be with them; [11]
12: thus the church will be with them, and they will restore all things of the church. [11]
13, 14: If they regard the union of the Lord with the church as holy, they will come into heaven. [11, 10]

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