Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 57

Full text of Isaiah 57

1, 2: Truth and good and life are no longer in them, [2, 3]
3: because they have falsified and adulterated them, [3]
4: speaking against the Divine. [3]
5: They love all falsities whatsoever, and destroy all truths whatsoever, [3]
6: and worship those things that come from their own intelligence, [3]
7: and extol doctrine derived therefrom even to worshipping it, [3]
8: and have published it before all, and have extended it to falsities of every kind, [3]
9: and call them heavenly goods and truths, and adore them with all submission. [3]
10: They have not retracted, because this was from their own intelligence. [3, 4]
11, 12: This they have done because they have not consulted the Lord, who might teach them. [3, 4]
13, 14: Falsities will destroy them; it is otherwise with those who so love the Lord that He may teach them truths and remove falsities. [3, 11]
15: The Lord does this with those who are humble at heart; [11]
16, 17: he is not able to do this for those who are wise from what is their own [proprium], [3]
18, 19: but only for those who grieve over it, [11]
20, 21: not with those who bring forth from their natural nothing but evils and falsities, from which they are never removed. [3]

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