Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 52

Full text of Isaiah 52

1: To the new church: let it embrace the doctrine of truth, that falsities may not break in, [11]
2: and let it reject falsities, [11]
3: by which they have been made captive, and from which they will be freed. [11]
4: Because they have been imbued with knowledges [cognitiones] of falsity confirmed by reasonings, [11]
5: therefore there is evil and ignorance of God; [11]
6, 7: but they will know their God when He comes into the world, [11, 1]
8, 9: when He will restore the church, [11, 1]
10: and will manifest Himself; [1]
11: and then they will forsake the religiosities in which there are such falsities. [11]
12, 13: The Lord will lead them out by degrees. [11, 1]
14: He will appear in humility. [1]
14, 15: Then those who are in goods and truths will see and draw near. [11, 1]

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