Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 43

Full text of Isaiah 43

1: Redemption and salvation of those who will be of the new church from the Lord. [17]
2: Falsities and evils will not hurt them. [11]
3-8: Those from every quarter and of every kind will come to Him. [11]
9: This has been foretold. [11]
10-13: He Himself, who is to come, has foretold it. [1]
14: He will destroy all who adulterate and profane the goods and truths of the church. [3]
15: It will be He Himself, [1]
16, 17: who saves His own, and destroys all the power of hell. [8]
18-21: From Him will be a new thing, and a new church of those who had previously been in no truths whatever. [11]
22-27: The church itself did not worship Him, but they wearied Him with sins, which He bore with, from the beginning and also afterwards. [4]
28: Therefore He will utterly reject the church. [3]

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