Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 42

Full text of Isaiah 42

1-4: Concerning the Lord, in whom is the Divine, that He will gently lead and teach. [1, 11]
5-8: He will save by virtue of His Divine. [1, 11]
9-12: The Coming of the Lord is foretold, and the joy of those who will draw nigh to Him, who had previously lived in ignorance. [1, 11]
13-15: He will fight for them against the hells, which He will conquer, and He will destroy their power. [7]
16: Those who are in ignorance are then to be enlightened. [11]
17: Those who trust in their own intelligence, and thus in falsities, are to be driven away. [3]
18-20: The Lord's patience and tolerance is described, [1, 6, 4]
21: and also His justice. [1, 6, 4]
22-24: Then those who were of the church despoiled them of all truths, and they became averse to them. [11]
25: He suffered direful things from them, and endured these things. [9, 4]

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