Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 41

Full text of Isaiah 41

1-3: Concerning a last judgment executed by the Lord from His Human, in which He was while in the world. [15]
4: [He executed the judgment] by means of His Divine. [15, 10]
5-7: Those who were in self-intelligence opposed themselves to Him. [4]
8-10, 13, 14: His Human was strengthened by His Divine. [10]
11, 12: They will be of no avail whatever against Him. [7]
15, 16: They will be totally dispersed. [8]
16, 17: Those who confide in the Lord will not fail. [18]
20: They will have truths and goods in all abundance. [11]
21-24: The rest will not know, and will have no power. [11]
25, 26: Those who are in ignorance of truth, will come to the Lord; [11]
27: the church will consist of these. [11]
28, 29: Of themselves they are [nothing] but falsity and evil. [11]

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