Spiritual Meanings in Isaiah, chapter 10

Full text of Isaiah 10

1, 2: The further vastation of the church, by their taking away stealthily from others the truths and goods of the church. [2]
3, 4: They will perish at the time of the last judgment. [5, 2]
5-11: They pervert truths by reasonings from their own intelligence. [2]
12-19: At the time of the last judgment such are to be utterly destroyed by the Lord, so that scarcely anything of natural truth will remain with them. [15, 3]
20-22, 24: Those who believe in the Lord are to be saved, and to be protected lest they be taken captive by confirmations of falsity through reasonings; [17, 3, 12]
23, 25-34: because the whole church has been devastated by knowledges [scientifica] that pervert the truths of the church and confirm falsities. [12]

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