Spiritual Meanings in Hosea, chapter 2

Full text of Hosea 2

1-4: Exhortation to abstain from the falsifications of the Word, otherwise there will be no church, but it will be without goods and truths, as before. [11, 2]
5-7: They will become as before when they loved evil and falsity, but they will be withheld. [11, 2]
8: They will return to God whom they worshipped at that time, and from whom they received good, not knowing that this was from the Lord; [11, 2]
9-13: but because they still did not worship Him, but another god, goods and truths will be vastated. [11, 2]
14-17: Those who will be of the new church, are to be purified by temptations, and prepared, [11]
18-20: and a new church constituted of such will come into existence, which will acknowledge the Lord. [11]
21-23: Then they will receive all things of heaven and the church. [11]

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