Spiritual Meanings in Ezekiel, chapter 31

Full text of Ezekiel 31

1, 2: Of the natural man who is in knowledges [scientifica]. [11]
3-9: In the Ancient Church a rational flourished that was derived from knowledges [scientifica] of every kind, through their confirming, by means of these, the Divine things of the church; and from this source they had spiritual intelligence. [11]
10-13: The pride of self-intelligence, from which comes a trust in learning, has wholly cast them down from intelligence, and has deprived them of all the truths of the church. [3]
14: They are cast into hell, that they may no longer destroy. [3, 15]
15-18: There they are shut up, lest, while continuing in their falsifications, they should spread their falsities abroad. [3, 15]

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