Spiritual Meanings in Ezekiel, chapter 30

Full text of Ezekiel 30

1-5: The Coming of the Lord when all things of the church have been destroyed by knowledges [scientifica] of the natural man. [1, 3]
6-9: Then all who trust in these knowledges will perish through evil loves. [3]
10-12: By such the truths of the church will be destroyed through reasonings from the natural man, derived from falsities, even until there is nothing left but falsities. [3]
13-19: All things which are of the knowledge [scientia] of the natural man, of every sort, will become hell. [3, 15]
20-23: They will have no truth, thus no power. [3]
24-26: This will take place through reasonings from the natural man. [3]

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