Spiritual Meanings in Ezekiel, chapter 3

Full text of Ezekiel 3

1-3: He should be instructed in the Word, which in itself is delightful. [2]
4-7: He should teach those that have the Word, and consequently are able to live according to the Divine commandments, but they do not so live; while with others it would be otherwise. [2, 11]
8, 9: He should not fear their obduracy, [2]
10, 11: but should teach them. [2]
12, 13: It is perceived that the state of the church has been changed entirely in respect to the Word and doctrine from the Word. [2]
14, 15: He was indignant that it should be so. [2]
16, 17: But that He might represent the Word, [2]
18-21: he would be guilty if He did not reveal their falsities and evils, and not guilty if He did reveal them. [2]
22, 23: It is according to the sense of the letter, which He must explain. [2, 16]
24-27: He must not speak from Himself, but from the Lord. [16]

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