Spiritual Meanings in Ezekiel, chapter 20

Full text of Ezekiel 20
Theme: Successive states of the Jewish church. [2]

1-3: Those who are of the Jewish church worship the Lord with the mouth and not with the heart. [2]
4: The first of them, that is, their fathers. [2]
4-9: They worshipped other gods, and did not depart from them, however much admonished, because they were natural external; this concerning them when in Egypt. [2]
10-12: They were let into temptations, and then instructed. Also, respecting conjunction of the Lord with the church. [2]
13: And they cannot even thus be brought to the worship of the Lord. [2]
14-17: Although they were of such a character, yet they were not cast off. [2]
18-20: Their offspring were instructed in like manner. [2]
21-24: They in like manner reprobated all things of the church. [2]
25, 26: In consequence they had representatives different from the former good ones, because they had profaned them; this concerning them in the wilderness. [2]
27-29: When they had been introduced into the land of Canaan, they worshipped other gods in every way. [2]
30, 31: They profaned things holy. [2]
32-36: They are to be cast out of the church, because they have been such from the beginning. [2, 3]
37-39: They will not return to the church, but will be among the profaners of the holy things of the church. [3]
40-42: A new church will be instituted, which will worship the Lord, [11]
43, 44: and they will acknowledge their evils, and at the same time the Lord's mercy. [11]
45, 46: The church has perished by reason of falsities. An external or natural church, which is able to be in the light of truth. [3]
47, 48: It is destroyed by evil love. [3]
49: It is the Jewish nation, which is here further treated of. [3]

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