Spiritual Meanings in Daniel, chapter 3

Full text of Daniel 3

1, 2: "Babylon" was minded to depart from the worship of the Lord to the worship of another god, which is the "statue of gold set up by Nebuchadnezzar." [2, 15]
3-7: All such agreed together, threatening all that they would otherwise be cast into hell. [2, 15]
8-12: Those rulers who worshipped the Lord did not obey; [11]
13-21: they were therefore excommunicated and condemned to hell by "Babylon," together with all things of the Lord's church; [3, 11]
22-25: but still no harm came to them, and it was clearly seen that they were protected by the Lord. [11]
26-30,: "Babylon" was compelled by this to acknowledge and worship the Lord. [11]

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